Sometimes you have solid coconut oil, and sometimes you have liquified coconut oil.
Depending on the reason why you are using the oil, it can be frustrating to keep it in the liquid form. The moment that you know how you can keep it liquified, you will be able to use it better.
There are different ways on how you can keep coconut oil liquified.
How to Keep Coconut Oil Liquefied? You can add some olive oil to the coconut oil. Or, you can make sure that the oil is always warmer than room temperature. It solidifies when it is getting cold.
But, what if you want to keep your coconut oil solid, but it is summer and the oil is always liquid?
This is why it is interesting to know how you can keep coconut oil liquified at all times, or even solidify for hair treatments. This guide is answering all your questions about coconut oil.
How Can You Keep Coconut Oil Liquified?
With real coconut oil, there are different ways that you can keep your oil liquified. Most know that the moment that you are heating up your coconut oil, you are liquifying it, but if it is getting cold, it is becoming solid again.
The one option that you can do, is to make sure that the coconut oil stays warm.
This is a great tip, but this isn’t the best option. The best option is to add warm, high-quality olive oil to the coconut oil. Only a few drops will be needed. It depends on how much coconut oil you want to keep liquified.
If you want to liquefy your coconut oil for just a couple of minutes, you can insert the oil to a pot with warm water. Warm kettle water will be enough. You will see that the coconut oil with melt immediately.
You should just use it immediately before it starts to become solid again. You can do this every time that you need to get liquid coconut oil.
The one thing that you should never do, is to put your coconut oil in your microwave oven to liquefy your oil.
How Do You Store Coconut Oil in the Winter Without it Becoming Solid?
During the winter, you will struggle a lot more to keep your coconut oil liquified.
This is because the oil becomes solid faster when it is cold. However, with the right tips, it will be easier to keep your oil from becoming solid. Even in the coldest weather.
First of all, it is recommended that you are adding the olive oil to the coconut oil to make it liquid.
Some people are adding vitamin E oil to their coconut oil instead of the olive oil. Then, you should make sure that you are storing it in a warm area in your home.
Maybe near your fireplace or heater. Or, you can put it in an area where you know you are going to get sunlight.
How Do You Keep the Coconut Oil from Melting?
What about if you want to make sure that your coconut oil doesn’t melt. Yes, there are many people that don’t want the coconut oil to melt. It is harder to use it in liquid form.
But it isn’t always possible to keep it from liquifying.
Keeping your coconut oil cold will always keep the oil from melting. Don’t put the oil in the bathroom when you are going to bath or shower. The heat of the steam and warm water will melt the coconut oil.
You will find that it is much easier to keep the coconut oil from melting than what it is to keep it from becoming solid. Keeping it in the fridge or a cool area is all that you need to do.
Is Your Melted Coconut Oil Still Beneficial?
A question that many people are asking. Because of myths about coconut oil, not everyone knows if melted or solid coconut oil is best to use. Some are saying that the solid oil is the best because then it is in their natural form.
However, some are saying that it is much better and more beneficial to use it in the liquid form. What is the truth?
You will be surprised to know that no matter if you are using the coconut in the solid form, or in the liquid form, the benefits are the same.
The only difference is that one is easier to apply and to use than the other. So, if you are reading that you should only use coconut oil that is solid to get the most benefits, then you should know that they are lying.
There isn’t a difference in benefits, and in the quality of the oil. The only difference is in the way you are using the oil.
Does it Really Matter if You Have Melted or Solid Coconut Oil?
Similar to the question above. Does it really matter if you have melted or solid coconut oil? It doesn’t matter if you are using coconut oil for your beauty routines or for preparing food.
Both types of coconut oils will work.
As we said before, there is no difference in the quality of the melted and solid coconut oil. The only thing that you might consider is that the quantity might be different.
You need to make sure that if you have melted coconut oil, that the amount that you need for your solid coconut oil recipe is the same amount at the end of the day.
At the end of the day, it depends on your preferences. Do you prefer to use solid coconut oil that is easier to handle or the melted oil that is easier to use on hair? But, the end results will be the same at the end of the day.
Why Does My Melted Coconut Oil Not Solidify Back?
Can coconut oil become old and useless to use? Especially if it doesn’t solidify back when you have melted it?
This is one of the reasons why so many are throwing coconut oil away. They think that the oil is old because it isn’t solid anymore. Even during the summer months.
This won’t mean that your coconut oil is old and that you need to replace it. The quality of the oil and the benefits of using the oil will still stay the same.
Maybe the oil is just stored in a place that is cooler than what you might have thought. Place the oil in the freezer and see what happens. However, even if it doesn’t solidify again, you can still use it.
The nutrients of the oil don’t go away the moment that the oil becomes solid.
Can I Still Use My Coconut Oil, Even if it is Melted?
You can always use your coconut oil. It doesn’t matter. We said it many times before.
The end result will always be the same. If your recipe states solid coconut oil, you should just put your melted oil in the freezer. You will have solid oil again.
If you have thrown melted coconut oil away before, then you have wasted a lot of money.
During the summer, you will have the coconut oil in the melted form, and during the winter, and colder days, it will be solid. This is the only difference between these two forms of coconut oil.
How Do You Store Coconut Oil During the Summer?
If you really need to have solid coconut oil during the summer, there is only one way that you can store your coconut oil. In the fridge. Even your coconut oil that is designed for your hair.
And, even on the hottest days, your coconut oil will melt after you have taken the oil out of the fridge for a couple of minutes. Again, no worries if the coconut oil has melted because of the heat.
Can Coconut Oil Go Bad?
If you are using 100% pure coconut oil, it won’t go bad. However, if you are using coconut oil that is mixed with other ingredients, there is a much bigger chance that the oil can go bad and can become unusable.
Something that you should know is that most coconut oil is in its purest form, and can be used for years before it can go bad. It might melt but will not go bad that easily.
This is why you should always purchase higher quality coconut oil. To ensure that you are purchasing the purest form.
Some people want to keep their coconut oil liquid, and then they can add a small amount of olive oil to the coconut oil. Some people prefer the solid coconut oil and should keep the oil as cold as possible.
But, one thing still remains the same. The quality and benefits of using coconut oil in hair and beauty products.
And, even in food. It doesn’t matter if you prefer the solid coconut oil or liquid coconut oil. As long as you are purchasing the 100% pure coconut oil, you will get the benefits of using it.